“In January 2018, I visited three Brazilian clients who were living in Portugal. What I came across was unexpected: a new Portugal, far different from that of my long vacations in 2006: a developed, dynamic European country, friendly and buzzing with visitors. A little later, I came across its amazing statistics and realized I was at the most promising country to invest in Europe nowadays. And better: one of the best to live.”
Cristiano Zen
Portugal is a country with a beautiful and diverse scenery, a mild climate (3000 hours of sunshine per year in Lisbon) and a rich cultural heritage, that writes more than 5 centuries relationships with nations from all over the world, including Asia, Africa and America. Portugal is a full democracy and a free market economy, a member of the European Union and the Schengen Area (26 European countries) and a gateway to a market of about 260 million people (Portuguese-speaking countries and communities).
Lisbon, the capital, is consistently awarded internationally as the best or one of the best places to visit in Europe.
Portugal has experienced high growth rates through its special programs to attract foreign investors, widely adopted by individuals and companies seeking tax advantages, promising investments, European citizenship and residency in Europe, as well as a high quality of life obtained at a very generous cost.
“By becoming Portuguese non-habitual residents, the UHNWI’s (Ultra and High Net Worth Individuals) are able to accrue their wealth in a white listed friendly tax environment, to dispose of their assets benefiting from tax exemptions, to pass on their wealth or estate without inheritance or gift taxes and/or to enjoy their retirement without tax leakage on their pensions”
10 Reasons
to choose Portugal
to choose Portugal

1. Best EU residency programme for non-EU/EEA/Swiss investors (minimal stay requirements and the possibility of obtaining permanent residency or citizenship after 5 years)
2. Best EU tax haven for pensioners and high net worth individuals (10-year tax exemption of non-Portuguese source income)
3. One of the best countries in the World to buy and own real estate (OECD, 2013)

4. Several best destination awards (best country in the World to visit according to Condé Nast Traveller, and best European golf and beach destination as per the World Travel Awards)
5. Second best country in Europe (only behind the cold Sweden) for immigrant integration (MIPEX III)

6. Stable, peaceful and safe country (3rd most peaceful worldwide according to the Global Peace Index)
7. Excellent road networks, telecoms and health system (12th best health system worldwide according to the World Health Organisation)

8. High quality of life at a very low cost (Portuguese average wages are about 50% of the EU average)
9. A highly educated and welcoming population, almost half of which speak at least one foreign language, mainly English
10. Gateway to 260 million Portuguese-speaking people
An effective way for living and working
in Europe “forever” – Europe Residency by Investment
An effective way for living and working
in Europe “forever” – Europe Residency by Investment
The Golden Visa Program is a fast track for foreign investors from non-EU countries to obtain a fully valid residence permit in Portugal.
Under this program, applicants only have to make one of the eligible investments to obtain a residence permit. The most classic way to apply has been through property investment, that is, the purchase of a property with a value equal to or greater than 500,000 Euros.
The residence permit will allow the investor and his / her family to enter and / or live in Portugal and travel freely within the vast majority of European countries (Schengen Area) and
has extremely low minimum stay requirements.
The basis for application is simple. A few examples: 1. Acquisition of property in Portugal (all types of property qualify, residential and commercial) and minimum investment of 500,000 € (only one investment qualifies the investor and his family). 2. Acquisition of buildings whose construction has been completed for at least 30 years, or located in an urban rehabilitation area, in the total amount equal to or greater than € 350,000.00. 3. An investment of at least €250,000 in, or the support of, the artistic production or the recovery or maintenance of the national cultural heritage that is conducted by accredited institutions
(reduced to >€200,000 if located in a “low density area”).
The privilege of tax free living in Portugal
The privilege of tax free living in Portugal
The Non-Habitual Residence Status (NHR) provides those who become tax resident in Portugal the opportunity of exemption from taxes, both in Portugal and in the source of income country. Portugal has become a tax-free jurisdiction for individuals receiving qualifying non-resident income (pension, dividends, royalties, rents, capital gains/ interest income) outside Portugal.
The NHR regime also contemplates professional income from high value-added activities, which benefit from a special flat tax rate of 20%. The applicant cannot have been a tax resident in Portugal for the last five years. This status is
granted for 10 years.
A NHR will be exempt from personal income tax on certain types of qualifying income if that income is tax subjected in the source country under an existing Double Taxation Treaty. Double tax exemption is also applicable to certain types of income arising from various highly qualified activities and a special flat rate of 20% is applicable for certain types of income.
The NHR is open to both employed and retired applicants who receive their pensions abroad and tax-free.
There is no tax over wealth and the inheritance tax regime is “benign” (it only applies to Portugal assets; the tax rate is 10% and spouses and children are exempt).
In addition, there are agreements available that allow the NHR to benefit from extremely favourable tax treatment on their capital investments and retirement income.
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